RSBA Starts to Use CaseWare: Auditing Software
In today’s modern world, auditors have to keep abreast with technology. Data has become more voluminous and analyzing it without the proper tools may lead to a higher audit risk. R.S. Bernaldo & Associates is constantly improving its methodology and working environment in anticipation of the changes in technology.
On December 14 and 15, RSBA auditors started their training in CaseWare auditing software. CaseWare provides a solution in documentation of working papers and analytics that will enable for a more efficient and effective audit. CaseWare provides easy collaboration, intelligent reporting, and roll forwarding of files.
A dedicated team led by Ms. Rose Angeli S. Bernaldo, Partner, Mr. Mark Salvador, MAS Manager and Mr. Martin Acueza, Audit Manager have been assigned to oversee its full implementation by 2018 Financial Audit.